Our Child Protection Policy
The COACH program has zero tolerance of all forms of child abuse. We are committed to ensuring the best interests of children and young people are upheld including their rights to:
- be and feel safe;
- be provided with protection;
- be consulted about their experiences;
- be and feel heard; and
- have the opportunity to flourish emotionally, socially, educationally and spiritually.
As required by law and as an expression of our concern for the well-being of children and young people, the COACH program has established child safety policies and procedures for our COACH Licensees to adhere to.
A summary of the policies include:
- having in place an organisational Child Protection Policy, Code of Conduct, and clear documented processes for responding to and reporting suspected child abuse;
- practices to be followed in the recruitment of volunteer mentors together with a
requirement for a knowledge of child protection practices and ongoing child protection training; and
- necessity for those having contact with children to have ongoing supervision.
ALL mentors who work directly or indirectly with children are to have a valid Working with Children Check (or equivalent).
COACH Licensees are to treat concerns / complaints with utmost respect and confidentiality.