A Christmas Reflection

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

As we celebrate and reflect on the coming of Jesus into our world again this Christmas I’ve been reflecting again on some of the key scriptures where He and others outline the purpose and vision at the heart of the story…

“I have come that you might have life, and have it to the full”. John 10

“Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them – living and breathing God!… attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life.” Romans 8

“No more sounds of weeping in the city, no cries of anguish; no more babies dying in the cradle, or old people who don’t enjoy a full lifetime…they’ll build houses and move in. They’ll plant fields and eat what they grow…For my people will be as long lived as trees, my chosen ones will have satisfaction in their work…For they themselves are plantings blessed by God, with their children and grandchildren likewise God blessed.” Isaiah

The message, the promise, the saving work of Christ is life and life to the full. It is life to the full for each person, and life to the full for all people together. It is opening up our eyes, ears, and hearts to receive and believe the free gift of life that has been given to us, and is being continually given to us by our loving Creator.

Everywhere we see life we are seeing Jesus’ work, and everywhere we see life growing and life being renewed and restored we are seeing Jesus at work. Whether people recognise Jesus presence and influence or not doesn’t change that fact. Therefore when we join with Jesus in protecting, fostering, nurturing, supporting and empowering life in people and the world we are joining in with the salvation of creation. What need or value is there in judging, excluding, or dividing? When we are receiving and rejoicing in life to the full, all we want to do is invest our energy into is being where that life is and contributing our efforts and capacity to it growing and flourishing.

I pray that you are refreshed and renewed in your hope, faith, and energy for Jesus and His vision for our lives, communities and world this Christmas season.


Sam Hearn

National Director

COACH Network